Saturday, November 24, 2007

Furniture Testing

Have you ever been to Ikea and seen the enclosed chair with it's mechanical sit down tester repeatedly "sitting down" on the chair. I like the one where the drawer is opened and opened and opened and opened and ...... , proving that their furniture is durable.

Okay wait a minute, I have four boys living in my house, 2,8,9, and 10, and they should be the ones testing furniture. If any sofa or chair could make it through their "tests" then I'd be apt to believe the durability of the piece. Some tests like the dust raising couch seat drop or the "look at me Mom" backward free fall flop. These tests are performed repeatedly despite my repeated "Stop that boys". It doesn't matter if I haven't ask for my couch to be tested, they seem to instinctively assume that I might want this done.

The other day two acrobatic brothers from Cirque de Soleil where performing their amazing balancing act on Oprah. Quickly the living room chairs were placed so that I could watch my 9 year old Janai, show me his audition piece. Need I say more.

Do girls ever do this? Could I make money selling the talents of my male couch durability testers? Okay I'm just thinking out aloud but yah never know.

1 comment:

Suburban Correspondent said...

Hey! I forget my real age all the time too.

Saw you over at Dawn's blog and thought I'd pop over. My kids have thoroughly tested the IKEA Ektorp couch and armchairs - indestructible.